Volunteer Roles

All community groups rely on volunteers to give of their time in order to achieve a goal. The Mt Barker Pageant is one such group.

Our Committee is currently made up of 14 local people, ranging in length of service from several months to more than 20 years. And we could do with more helpers! The pageant happens on the first Saturday in December, but there’s lots going on during the rest of the year to make that one day happen.

As well as the elected positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer and Minute Secretary, people can join in as general Committee Members, lending a hand according to their skills. Feel free to come along to a Committee Meeting (contact the Secretary for details) to see if our group is what you are looking for!

Below are some roles that might be of interest.  Please contact the Secretary if you would like further information.

Title: 2024 COSTUME TRY-ON DAY ASSISTANT (part of a Team)

Job Description: In November, costumes to be worn by members of the public in the pageant are offered out for loan on one of 4 days.  Working as part of a duo, record information about the loan in a receipt book.  Give information about the pageant, face painting, where to go on the day etc. Other experienced people will be assisting the public with costume selection.

Handy Skills/Attributes: Good with children (and parents), write and speak at the same time, keep cool under pressure.

Location: Pageant Costume Shed in Mt Barker

Time Commitment: From 1 to 4, 2-hour shifts in November (Mon 25, Tue 26, Wed 27, Sat 30).  You can help out for 1 day or all 4, it’s up to you.

Attend Committee Meetings?: No

Title: 2024 TOWN HALL ASSISTANT (part of a Team) – We have enough Assistants for the 2024 Pageant

Job Description: Costumes worn by members of the public are brought to the Town Hall when the wearer reaches the finish of the parade.  Helpers are needed to accept the costumes, comparing them to Receipts issued on the Costume Try-On Days, and if necessary, note when things are damaged/missing.  Other helpers are needed to fold and pack the returned items ready for collection.

Handy Skills/Attributes: Good with children (and parents), attention to detail, keep cool under pressure, folding/packing lots of clothes and assorted items!

Location: Town Hall, Gawler St, Mt Barker

Time Commitment: Approx 4 hours on pageant day – 10am – 2pm

Attend Committee Meetings?: No